Communicating Hardware Processes

Communicating Hardware Processes (CHP) is a program notation for QDI circuits inspired by Tony Hoare’s communicating sequential processes (CSP) and Edsger W. Dijkstra’s guarded commands. For example, this is how one might write an adder with sources for the input channels A and B and a sink for the output channel S. The environment is placed in a separate isochronic region.

*[ A?a, B?b; S!(a+b) ] ||
  *[ A!rand() ] ||
  *[ B!rand() ] ||
  *[ S? ]

The syntax is described below in descending precedence. Spacing is ignored during parsing.

Data Types

There are currently only three data types supported by Loom. A node is a single wire in the circuit. A variable is an integer type encoded on a collection of nodes. A channel facilitates communication between processes with a request, acknowledge or request, enable protocol. Currently, data types are implied by the operators on them.


skip skips to the next action.


a+ sets the voltage of the node a to Vdd while a- sets the voltage of a to GND. b := e evaluates the expression e then assigns the resulting value to the variable b.

Channel Operators

Send X!e evaluates the expression e then sends the resulting value across the channel X. X! is a dataless send.

Receive X?a waits until there is a valid value on the channel X then assigns that value to the variable a. X? is a dataless receive.

Probe #X returns the value waiting on the channel X without executing the receive.

Parallel Composition

P0 || P1 || ... || Pn executes the processes P0, P1, …, and Pn in parallel. Keep in mind the difference between “parallel” and “concurrent”.

  • parallel two parallel processes can execute in any order or at the same time.
  • concurrent two concurrent processes can execute in any order.

Sequential Composition

P0;P1;...;Pn executes first executes the process P0, then P1, then …, then Pn.

Internal Parallel Composition

P0,P1,...,Pn is the same as parallel composition, but with higher precendence.


A guard is a dataless [[boolean expression] or expression that is implicitly cast using a validity check on the encoding. The guard evaluates to Vdd when the data is valid and GND when it is neutral.

[G] waits for the guard G to evaluate to Vdd before continuing.


The selection composition represents choice. The guard G0, G1, …, Gn represent the condition of the selection and P0, P1, …, Pn are the processes that are executed for each condition.

A deterministic selection statement is represented by the thick bar operator []. The guards are guaranteed by the user to be mutually exclusive so only one can ever evaluate to true at any given time. The tooling will throw an error if a deterministic selection violates this mutual exclusion constraint.

[ G0 -> P0
[] G1 -> P1
[] Gn -> Pn

A non-deterministic selection state is represented by the thin bar operator :. An arbiter or in some extreme cases, a synchronizer, will be used to guarantee the mutual exclusion of the selection.

[ G0 -> P0
: G1 -> P1
: Gn -> Pn

Ultimately the selection operator implements the following: If G0 do P0, if G1 do P1, … If Gn do Pn, else wait.


Repetition behaves almost the same as the non-repetitive selection statement. Think of it like a while loop. While one of the guards (G0,G1,...,Gn) is true, execute the associated process (P0,P1,...,Pn). Else, exit the loop.

Repetition can either be deterministic as represented by the thick bar.

*[  G0 -> P0
 [] G1 -> P1
 [] Gn -> Pn

Or it can be non-deterministic as represented by the thin bar.

*[ G0 -> P0
 : G1 -> P1
 : Gn -> Pn

*[S] is shorthand for *[Vdd -> S] and implements infinite repetition.

Timing Assumption

{G} blocks as long as G evaluates to GND. Instabilities on G are not propagated out into the rest of the circuit.

Isochronic Regions

It has been shown that circuits that are entirely delay insensitive (make no timing assumptions) aren’t that useful. One of the weakest timing assumptions you can make in order for the circuit class to be turing complete is called the isochronic fork assumption. In order to implement this assumption, you can identify isochronic regions. By default every reference to a node is assumed to be in the same isochronic region (region 0). However you may change the isochronic region with the following syntax:


Where P is a process or node reference and ‘region’ is an integer representing the name of the region. For example:




[  G0 -> P0
[] G1 -> P1

[x'1 & y'2]; z-

If there are two processes in two isochronic regions like (a-;b+;P)'0 || ([b]; a+)'1, then during the process P, the value of the node a will be unknown because the process on the left knows that a was GND but that it will change to Vdd. It just doesn’t know when. Meanwhile in the process on the right, the value of a will start unknown and transition to Vdd after the assignment a+.

Reset Behavior

Because reset behavior can be a complex thing that has a multitude of timing assumptions and different possible implementations, Loom has a very basic reset implementation. As long as there isn’t any choice to be made, and we don’t enter a repetition, execute transitions and accumulate their affect on the state into a reset state. Here is an example:

R.f-,R.t-,L.e+; [R.e&~L.f&~L.t];
*[[  R.e & L.f -> R.f+
  [] R.e & L.t -> R.t+
  ]; L.e-; [~R.e&~L.f&~L.t]; R.f-,R.t-; L.e+

(L.f-,L.t-; [L.e];  *[[1->L.f+:1->L.t+]; [~L.e]; L.f-,L.t-; [L.e]]||
R.e+; [~R.f&~R.t]; *[[R.f|R.t]; R.e-; [~R.f&~R.t]; R.e+])'1

In this WCHB buffer, the reset state for each process is as follows:

  • Process 0: ~R.f&~R.t&L.e&R.e&~L.f&~L.t
  • Process 1: ~L.f&~L.t&L.e
  • Process 2: R.e&~R.f&~R.t

and the final hse after the reset behavior has been processed looks like this:

*[[  R.e & L.f -> R.f+
  [] R.e & L.t -> R.t+
  ]; L.e-; [~R.e&~L.f&~L.t]; R.f-,R.t-; L.e+

(*[[1->L.f+:1->L.t+]; [~L.e]; L.f-,L.t-; [L.e]]||
*[[R.f|R.t]; R.e-; [~R.f&~R.t]; R.e+])'1

Limited Non-Proper Nesting

Asynchronous circuits are collections of intertwined, sequences of events. The most basic way to visualize this is called a petri net. Handshaking expansions represent that structure in a way that is human readable. However, there are also valid handshaking expansions that are not representable in such a linguistic format. These are called ‘non-properly nested’. For full non-proper nesting support, use the astg format.

In order to support things like initial token buffers where you reset the circuit in the middle of the HSE, a limited reset-tagging system has been added.

R.f+,R.t-,L.e+,en+; [R.e&~L.f&~L.t];  
*[[  R.e & L.f -> R.f+
  [] R.e & L.t -> R.t+
  ]; L.e-; en-;
     @ [~R.e]; R.f-,R.t- ||
     [~L.f & ~L.t]; L.e+ @
  ); en+
 ] ||

L.f-,L.t-; [L.e];  *[[1->L.f+:1->L.t+]; [~L.e]; L.f-,L.t-; [L.e]]||
R.e+; [R.f&~R.t]; *[[R.f|R.t]; R.e-; [~R.f&~R.t]; R.e+]

In this system, the @ symbol represents a reset token at the nearest semicolon for current loop. So if there are multiple loops and you put a reset token on the inner most loop, that loop will reset there on every iteration of the outer loop.

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